
Tools, solutions, troubleshooting
It's been a lot of time since we were updating our laboratory page last time on our old website. Because of this we decided to not move old stuff directly, but instead prepare new updated content for this page. So please be patient and wait for fresh stuff to download.All best - Visionlore Team
All products distributed on laboratory page are under the freeware license. You can use each product for personal and commercial purposes without paying any fees or royalties. You can also modify, distribute, or incorporate it into your own projects, as long as you do not claim ownership or authorship of the original product. However, you cannot use it for illegal activities and you are not allowed to sell or rent these products or any part of it. All products are provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind. Authors are not liable for any damages or losses arising from the use or misuse of the software. By downloading and using our products, you agree to these terms and conditions.Security
Authors of products available on laboratory page never designed or included anything that could put at risk safety, security or privacy of user. It performs only functions that you explicitly allow and does not contain any viruses, malware, spyware, or other harmful components that could damage your system or compromise your data. It also does not track, collect, or send any information about you, your device, your location, your usage, or your preferences to any third parties.Applications you can find on this website have never been officially distributed through any other channels. Please be cautious and remember that we can't control unofficial sources that may distribute completely different or modified software under the same name.
Applications in laboratory might be old and initially for internal use only. Legacy software, and software used only internally in close and safe environment may not be prepared for modern security standards and may trigger false flags and warnings from antiviruses. False flags and warnings can cause confusion, but even if you can't recognize false flags and you think you can't trust source you can use tools like Windows Sandbox, Sandboxie, Shadow Defender or Virtual Machine to open applications in safe and secure isolated virtual environment.
Currently all available applications are designed for browsers or Windows.Some things are not available and deprecated but exist on the list to inform old users about the situation.
In some situations, development is driven by specific internal use. Therefore, certain features may be in beta-stage or alpha-stage and may not receive rapid development. Some tools already served their purpose and we do not know when they will be needed again.
We may publish content that is in the early stages of development, but we will not publish material that, in our opinion, is unfinished to the extent that it becomes excessively difficult to handle.
Archives are in well supported and open .7z format. If you have some problems you can use 7-Zip or alternatives like PeaZip, NanaZip etc.
MorphConverter v1.0
(Downloads: 92)
Status: Available
Type: Script
Environment: 3D Studio Max
Technology: MaxScript
Extension: .ms
Dependency: None
Size: 2 KB
License: Freeware
This script is tailored for 3DS Max morphers that have additional modifiers placed above them, particularly mesh smoothing modifiers, ensuring they are optimized for export to Unreal Engine 5 or other engines.
The script generates a new morpher layer on top and utilizes it to convert all existing morphs to support all modifiers.
Smart FTP Client v.1.0
(Downloads: 2488)
Status: Available
Type: Script, Class
Environment: AIR - Flex/Flash/Animate
Technology: ActionScript 3
Extension: .as
Dependency: None
Size: 4 KB
License: Freeware
This class provides the ability to download and upload files via an FTP connection and retrieve a directory list from a specified path.
The best feature is its support for performing multiple tasks in a queue. For instance, it enables you to effortlessly upload multiple files.
The best feature is its support for performing multiple tasks in a queue. For instance, it enables you to effortlessly upload multiple files.
Best INI Editor v.1.0
(Downloads: 5897)
Status: Available
Type: Desktop Application
Environment: Windows
Technology: AIR (embedded)
Extension: .exe
Dependency: None
Size: 13.5 MB
Installation: Portable
License: Freeware
A fast and easy way to modify and extend any type of INI file. With this tool, you can use presets and make complex changes instantly.
If you're a modding fan, this will be an extremely useful tool for working on INI files for games like Skyrim, Fallout etc.
Simple MP3 Data Builder
(Downloads: 1391)
Status: Available
Type: Desktop Application
Environment: Windows
Technology: .NET
Extension: .exe
Dependency: None
Size: 135 KB
Installation: Portable
License: Freeware
Automatically generate an MP3 XML track list with essential details including name (file name), time (hh:mm:ss), duration (milliseconds), and size (bytes) information.
Distancer v2.0
(Downloads: 2020)
Status: Updating
Type: Script
Environment: 3D Studio Max
Technology: MaxScript
Extension: .ms
Dependency: None
Size: 2 KB
License: Freeware
This script is specifically designed to position objects, allowing them to be placed either along a line/spline or along the distance line between two other objects.
For example you can place object at 1/3 of distance along drawn line.
You can also use this tool to remove path constraint from objects without breaking their positions
You can also use this tool to remove path constraint from objects without breaking their positions
MP3 Length Baker
(Downloads: 1253)
Status: Available
Type: Desktop Application
Environment: Windows
Technology: AIR (embedded)
Extension: .exe
Dependency: None
Size: 13.5 MB
Installation: Portable
License: Freeware
Use this tool to add length (in milliseconds) to an existing XML file containing an MP3 track list.
Manage Modifiers v.1.0
(Downloads: 1381)
Status: Updating
Type: Script
Environment: 3D Studio Max
Technology: MaxScript
Extension: .ms
Dependency: None
Size: 1 KB
License: Freeware
Easy way to disable, enable or remove specific modifiers for all selected objects at once.
It was commonly utilized to enable or disable mesh smoothing on a large scale, enabling it for rendering purposes and disabling it for real-time preview performance enhancements.
It was commonly utilized to enable or disable mesh smoothing on a large scale, enabling it for rendering purposes and disabling it for real-time preview performance enhancements.
Material Randomizer v.1.0
(Downloads: 1300)
Status: Updating
Type: Script
Environment: 3D Studio Max
Technology: MaxScript
Extension: .ms
Dependency: None
Size: 1 KB
License: Freeware
Gives you ability to add random materials from Multi/Sub-Object to selected objects.
In contrast to many other similar scripts, it works really fast with huge number of objects.
In contrast to many other similar scripts, it works really fast with huge number of objects.
Constant rotation - speed controller
(Downloads: 2917)
Status: Updating
Type: Script
Environment: 3D Studio Max
Technology: MaxScript
Extension: .ms
Dependency: None
Size: 2 KB
License: Freeware
Speed controller for constant rotation (good for wheel animation)
Snap/align vertices to closest vertices v.2.0
(Downloads: 5018)
Status: Updating
Type: Script
Environment: 3D Studio Max
Technology: MaxScript
Extension: .ms
Dependency: None
Size: 1 KB
License: Freeware
Just snap/align selected vertices of one model to the closest vertices of another model.
ControlBeast v.1.1
(Downloads: 1884)
Status: Updating
Type: Script
Environment: 3D Studio Max
Technology: MaxScript
Extension: .ms
Dependency: None
Size: 5 KB
License: Freeware
Tool for animators. It gives you ability to create list of poses and then smoothly blend from pose to pose.
Initially it was used as replacement for commercial plugin Pose-O-Matic (from Di-O-Matic).
Initially it was used as replacement for commercial plugin Pose-O-Matic (from Di-O-Matic).
DATA Transformer v1.0
(Downloads: 1937)
Status: Available
Type: Desktop Application
Environment: Windows
Technology: AIR (Embedded)
Extension: .exe
Dependency: None
Size: 13.7 MB
Installation: Portable
License: Freeware
The "DATA Transformer" allows you to utilize XML or JSON data or data from file list to construct various types of text-based structures.
For instance, you can transform data into appropriate SQL instructions, HTML structures, or even arrays.
From a collection of files you can extract both the "size" and "name" from any file, while also retrieving the "length" specifically from .mp3 files, and the "width" and "height" from .jpg, .png, or .gif files.
From a collection of files you can extract both the "size" and "name" from any file, while also retrieving the "length" specifically from .mp3 files, and the "width" and "height" from .jpg, .png, or .gif files.
Modular Gallery r.0.6
(Downloads: 1653)
Status: Updating
Type: Script
Environment: Browser
Technology: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Extension: .js, .html, .css
Dependency: jQuery
Size: 241 KB
License: Freeware
The library was designed to facilitate the creation of galleries in a modular manner, allowing the modules to serve other purposes as well.
This solution proved invaluable in rapidly constructing galleries that seamlessly integrate with websites, bypassing the limitations often imposed by comprehensive gallery solutions that require extensive adjustments to the entire website to accommodate a specific gallery.
This solution proved invaluable in rapidly constructing galleries that seamlessly integrate with websites, bypassing the limitations often imposed by comprehensive gallery solutions that require extensive adjustments to the entire website to accommodate a specific gallery.
VL Lytebox v.6.0
(Downloads: 1757)
Status: Updating
Type: Script
Environment: Browser
Technology: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Extension: .js, .html, .css
Dependency: jQuery
Size: 242 KB
License: Freeware
VL Lytebox was an extended version of Lytebox (a popular JavaScript viewer from 2007).
This new version not only addressed bugs but also introduced the ability to use unique URLs for each image preview.
This new version not only addressed bugs but also introduced the ability to use unique URLs for each image preview.
Recently Added.
Can be downloaded or/and used.
Old project page in the process of updating (may be temporarily unavailable or under construction and partially available.)
Not recommended for use. Deprecated things may cause compatibility issues, malfunctioning and probably won't meet modern standards.
Project announcement and showcase. Preparation for future publication.
Application to execute directly on specific operating system
Extension of main file/files to open.
MaxScript - programming language for 3D Studio Max.
Designed to work with browsers. Client or server side solutions (.js, .php, etc.).